chmlib v0.40
- Created
- Updated
CHMLIB is a library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files. Right now, it is a very simple library, but sufficient for dealing with all of the .chm files I've come across. Due to the fairly well-designed indexing built into this particular file format, even a small library is able to gain reasonably good performance indexing into ITSS archives.
# License
# Supported Platforms
All platforms are supported
# Features
No features defined.
# Dependencies
No dependencies.
# Host Dependencies
No transitive dependencies.
# Dependents
No dependents.
# Host Dependents
No dependents.
# Contributors
Alexander Karatarakis
Robert Schumacher
Victor Romero
Stefano Sinigardi
Billy O'Neal
Kai Pastor
# Changelog
[chmlib] Use CMake buildsystem replacementfff0930
[chmblib] Also modify VCPKG_LIBRARY_LINKAGE785d395
bump subversione93b7ac
Dynamic build -> Static without failing the buildac55080
Fixed: debug and release versions in their proper folder (was reversed) Added: Tools included in that library Misc: portfile cleanup, chm.vcxproj optimization switchesee42c44