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mimalloc v2.1.2


Compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance

# Usage

mimalloc provides CMake targets:

find_package(mimalloc CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE $<IF:$<TARGET_EXISTS:mimalloc-static>,mimalloc-static,mimalloc) 

To ensure the mimalloc-override.dll is loaded at runtime on Windows with
dynamic linkage, it is suggested to insert some call to the mimalloc API
in the main function, eg. mi_version(). Cf.

# License

# Supported Platforms


  • linux
  • osx
  • windows
  • uwp

# Features

No default features set.

# asm

Generate assembly files


No dependencies.

Host Dependencies:

No dependencies.

# override

Override the standard malloc interface


No dependencies.

Host Dependencies:

No dependencies.

# secure

Use security mitigations (like guard pages and randomization)


No dependencies.

Host Dependencies:

No dependencies.

# Dependencies

No dependencies.

# Host Dependencies

No transitive dependencies.

# Dependents

# Host Dependents

No dependents.

# Contributors

  • myd7349's avatar myd7349
  • Victor Romero's avatar Victor Romero
  • Phoebe's avatar Phoebe
  • Lily's avatar Lily
  • JonLiu1993's avatar JonLiu1993
  • Billy O'Neal's avatar Billy O'Neal
  • Rémy Tassoux's avatar Rémy Tassoux
  • wangao's avatar wangao
  • chausner's avatar chausner
  • Clayton Wheeler's avatar Clayton Wheeler
  • Arsen Tufankjian's avatar Arsen Tufankjian
  • autoantwort's avatar autoantwort
  • Jia Yue Hua's avatar Jia Yue Hua
  • Kai Pastor's avatar Kai Pastor

# Changelog

  • 247dc60 [mimalloc,vcpkg-ci-mimalloc] Fix exported usage, add test port (#37499)
  • 8e03049 [mimalloc] Fix android, clarify usage (#35713)
  • 979ce0d [mimalloc] update to 2.1.2 (#34816)
  • 93e173a [mimalloc] update to 2.1.1 to build failure (#30710)
  • 89248af [mimalloc] Update to 2.0.9 (#29084)
  • 4dbc2e3 [mimalloc] no absolute paths (#27880)
  • f1d5c51 [mimalloc] Allowing arm64 builds (#25265)
  • 39420a7 [mimalloc] build for ARM Linux, Mac (#27041)
  • e3f3206 [mimalloc] Update to 2.0.6 (#24165)
  • 9b7e039 [mimalloc] Update the CMake configuration options (#23802)
and 12 more commits:

# Source