rttr v0.9.6+20210811
- Created
- Updated
an easy and intuitive way to use reflection in C++
# License
# Supported Platforms
(static & staticcrt) | (!static & staticcrt) | (!static & !staticcrt)
- ✅ linux-dynamic
- ✅ osx-dynamic
- ✅ uwp-dynamic
- ✅ windows-dynamic
- ❌
linux-static - ❌
osx-static - ❌
uwp-static - ❌
# Features
No features defined.
# Dependencies
No transitive dependencies.
# Host Dependencies
No transitive dependencies.
# Dependents
No dependents.
# Host Dependents
No dependents.
# Contributors
Daniel Shaw
Robert Schumacher
Alexander Karatarakis
Oliver Klages
Victor Romero
Stefano Sinigardi
Hendra Darwintha
Billy O'Neal
Li Zeyang
Cheney Wang
# Changelog
and 9 more commits:
[rttr] Don't build benchmarksc0ffbb1
fixed rttr not building on windows because of bad handling of empty cmake vars in portfile.cmake965e99c
[rttr] Fix executables. Fix read-only permissions.ca7f50e
[rttr] Use from github, slight patch simplification.286625e
[rttr] Disable unit tests during build. Not bumping version because the output files are unaffected.26516fe
vcpkg_configure_cmake (and _meson) now embed debug symbols within static libs (/Z7)9a642ad
[box2d][directxmesh][directxtex][directxtk][directxtk12][dxut][entityx][octomap][pdcurses][redshell][rttr][tbb][uvatlas] Improve constraint checking30ea0b8
[rttr] initial commit of version 0.9.5