coin-or-clp v2023-02-01
- Created
- Updated
Clp (Coin-or linear programming) is an open-source linear programming solver written in C++. It is primarily meant to be used as a callable library, but a basic, stand-alone executable version is also available.
# License
# Supported Platforms
All platforms are supported
# Features
No features defined.
# Dependencies
and 9 transitive dependencies:
- blas (by clapack )
- bzip2 (by coinutils )
- coin-or-buildtools (by coinutils )
- lapack (by coinutils )
lapack-reference (by blas , lapack , lapack-reference )
!osx & !ios & !uwp & !(arm & windows)
vcpkg-gfortran (by lapack-reference )
- zlib (by coinutils )
# Host Dependencies
2 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-cmake (by bzip2 )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by lapack-reference )
# Dependents
# Host Dependents
No dependents.
# Contributors
Alexander Neumann