exiv2 v0.28.3
- Created
- Updated
Image metadata library and tools
# License
# Supported Platforms
- ✅ linux
- ✅ osx
- ✅ uwp
- ✅ windows
# Features
No default features set.
# bmff
Support for BMFF files (e.g., CR3, HEIF, HEIC, AVIF, and JPEG XL)
Host Dependencies:
2 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-cmake (by brotli )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by brotli )
# nls
Build native language support
and one transitive dependency:
libiconv (by gettext-libintl )
# png
Build with png support
Host Dependencies:
one transitive dependency:
- vcpkg-cmake (by zlib )
# video
Deprecated. it will be removed in the future.
No dependencies.
Host Dependencies:
No dependencies.
# xmp
Build with XMP metadata support
Host Dependencies:
2 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-cmake (by expat )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by expat )
# Dependencies
# Host Dependencies
and 2 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-cmake-get-vars (by vcpkg-tool-meson )
- vcpkg-tool-meson (by inih )
# Dependents
# Host Dependents
No dependents.
# Contributors
Jason Juang
Robert Schumacher
Alexander Karatarakis
Sean Warren
Stefano Sinigardi
Phil Christensen
Michał Janiszewski
Alexis Placet
Alexander Neumann
Matthias Kuhn
Kai Pastor
Billy O'Neal
Cheney Wang
Chuck Walbourn
# Changelog
and 52 more commits:
Upgrades for 2018.11.089fe14bc
Updates 2018.11.01c538d6d
Upgrades 2018.10.259c62c6a
Upgrades 2018.10.1164a7483
Upgrades 2018.09.187e5bb65
Upgrades 2018.08.03c3d34e7
Upgrades 2018.06.3186fecfc
Upgrades 2018.07.082a0bf9c
Upgrades for 2018.06.126ad96b7
2018.05.17 updates8eac561
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][directxmesh][directxtex][directxtk][discord-rpc][exiv2][folly][jsonnet][libuv][ms-gsl][nuklear][rocksdb][rs-core-lib][thrift][unicorn][zeromq] Upgrades0764aaf
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][breakpad][chakracore][cimg][date][exiv2][libzip][rs-core-lib] Upgrades05edef9
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][exiv2][forest][jsonnet][rs-core-lib][thrift][unicorn-lib] Upgrades740622d
[aws-sdk-cpp][catch2][exiv2][forest][nuklear][rs-core-lib][thrift] Upgrades89201f4
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][azure-c-shared-utility][azure-iot-sdk-c][azure-uamqp-c][azure-umqtt-c][breakpad][exiv2][gdcm2][grpc][nuklear][rocksdb][rs-core-lib][thrift][zeromq] Upgradesd1ecca1
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][clara][eastl][exiv2][libuv][nuklear][openimageio][thrift] Upgrades3d87445
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][exiv2][rs-core-lib][tbb][thrift][zeromq] Upgrades36dddad
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][breakpad][exiv2][nuklear][zeromq] Upgrades608456b
[abseil][eastl][exiv2][nuklear][thrift][unicorn][zeromq] Upgradesadb8edd
[abseil][exiv2][jsonnet][ms-gsl][nuklear][re2][rs-core-lib][thrift][zeromq][zziplib] Upgrades9f9778c
[many ports] Improve behavior on Linux and general cleanupc7616b9
[many ports] Upgradesc55ccbf
[exiv2] Hotfix previous fix -- apply patches before configuring451c6a8
[exiv2] Fix FindIconv51f6cf7
[exiv2] Fix static builds. [gts] Add early detection for CRT linkage.b59a464
[exiv2] update to latest master and fix debug confige67007e
update commit to master for cmake config supportba255e1
add in expat dependency9115812
new port: exiv2