yalantinglibs v0.4.0
- Created
- Updated
A Collection of C++20 libraries, include struct_pack, struct_json, struct_xml, struct_yaml, struct_pb, easylog, coro_rpc, coro_http and async_simple
# Usage
yalantinglibs provides CMake targets:
find_package(yalantinglibs CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE yalantinglibs::yalantinglibs)
# License
# Supported Platforms
- ✅ linux
- ✅ osx
- ✅ uwp
- ✅ windows
# Features
No features defined.
# Dependencies
- asio
>= v1.24.0
- async-simple
>= v1.3
- frozen
>= v1.2.0
No transitive dependencies.
# Host Dependencies
No transitive dependencies.
# Dependents
No dependents.
# Host Dependents
No dependents.
# Contributors
Weihang Ding