think-cell-range v2023.1
- Created
- Updated
think-cell's range library
# License
# Supported Platforms
All platforms are supported
# Features
No features defined.
# Dependencies
- boost-filesystem
- boost-fusion
- boost-integer
- boost-intrusive
- boost-lexical-cast
- boost-mpl
- boost-multi-index
- boost-predef
- boost-preprocessor
- boost-range
- boost-spirit
and 51 transitive dependencies:
- boost-algorithm
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-align
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-atomic ) - boost-array
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-assert
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-atomic
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-bind
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-function ) - boost-chrono
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-thread ) - boost-cmake
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-concept-check
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-config
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-container
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-lexical-cast ) - boost-container-hash
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-conversion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-core
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-align ) - boost-date-time
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-thread ) - boost-describe
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-container-hash ) - boost-detail
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-endian
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-exception
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-function
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-functional ) - boost-function-types
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-functional
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-fusion ) - boost-headers
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-config ) - boost-io
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-iterator
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-move
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-intrusive ) - boost-mp11
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-describe ) - boost-numeric-conversion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-optional
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-phoenix
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-pool
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-proto
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-phoenix ) - boost-ratio
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-chrono ) - boost-regex
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-scope
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-smart-ptr
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-static-assert
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-core ) - boost-system
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-thread
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-throw-exception
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-core ) - boost-tokenizer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-tuple
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-fusion ) - boost-type-index
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-variant ) - boost-type-traits
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-atomic ) - boost-typeof
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-functional ) - boost-uninstall
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-cmake ) - boost-unordered
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-utility
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-mpl ) - boost-variant
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-variant2
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-system ) - boost-winapi
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-atomic )
# Host Dependencies
3 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-boost (by boost-cmake )
- vcpkg-cmake (by boost-cmake )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by boost-cmake )
# Dependents
No dependents.
# Host Dependents
No dependents.
# Contributors
Jens Frederich
Jens Frederich
Jens Frederich
Victor Romero
Phil Christensen
Stefano Sinigardi
Billy O'Neal
Lily Wang
Alexander Neumann
# Changelog
[think-cell-range] Update to version 498839d986c6e5
[think-cell-range] upgrade to e2d301826260ae
[think-cell-range] upgrade to 1d785d94681f3d
[think-cell-range] move boost range hotfix to boost portfile7ed2525
copy to save important notes, precise descriptionff10906
[think-cell-range] Adding think-cell's range library