thrift v0.20.0
- Created
- Updated
Apache Thrift is a software project spanning a variety of programming languages and use cases. Our goal is to make reliable, performant communication and data serialization across languages as efficient and seamless as possible.
# License
# Supported Platforms
All platforms are supported
# Features
No features defined.
# Dependencies
and 50 transitive dependencies:
- boost-algorithm
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-align
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-atomic ) - boost-array
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-assert
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-array ) - boost-atomic
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-thread ) - boost-bind
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-chrono
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-thread ) - boost-cmake
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-concept-check
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-config
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-container
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-lexical-cast ) - boost-container-hash
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-fusion ) - boost-conversion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-core
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-array ) - boost-describe
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-container-hash ) - boost-detail
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-exception
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-function
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-function-types
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-functional
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-fusion ) - boost-fusion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-headers
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-config ) - boost-integer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-regex ) - boost-intrusive
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-container ) - boost-io
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-utility ) - boost-iterator
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-lexical-cast
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-move
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-intrusive ) - boost-mp11
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-describe ) - boost-mpl
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-function-types ) - boost-numeric-conversion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-optional
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-predef
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-mpl ) - boost-preprocessor
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-concept-check ) - boost-ratio
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-chrono ) - boost-regex
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-static-assert
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-core ) - boost-system
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-chrono ) - boost-thread
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-locale ) - boost-throw-exception
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-core ) - boost-tokenizer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-tuple
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-exception ) - boost-type-traits
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-concept-check ) - boost-typeof
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-functional ) - boost-uninstall
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-cmake ) - boost-unordered
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-utility
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-mpl ) - boost-variant2
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-system ) - boost-winapi
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) libiconv (by boost-locale )
!uwp & !windows & !mingw
# Host Dependencies
and 2 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-boost (by boost-cmake )
vcpkg-cmake-get-vars (by libiconv )
# Dependents
# Host Dependents
No dependents.
# Contributors
Robert Schumacher
Alexander Karatarakis
Lars Ivar Hatledal
Victor Romero
Stefano Sinigardi
Phil Felton
Billy O'Neal
Alexander Neumann
Jia Yue Hua
Josh Harris
# Changelog
and 57 more commits:
Updates 2019.01.30c6db2c8
Updates 2019.01.09bb1bb1c
Updates 2018.12.149fe14bc
Updates 2018.11.01c538d6d
Upgrades 2018.10.259c62c6a
Upgrades 2018.10.1164a7483
Upgrades 2018.09.187e5bb65
Upgrades 2018.08.032a2851c
fix thrift only copying compiler to tools on windowsc3d34e7
Upgrades 2018.06.3186fecfc
Upgrades 2018.07.08c0ec480
Upgrades for 2018.07.03feb0e9a
Upgrades 2018.07.01a650bad
Updates 2018.06.156ad96b7
2018.05.17 updatesfcb3033
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][folly][jsonnet][ms-gsl][mujs][openimageio][re2][rs-core-lib][thrift][unicorn-lib][zeromq] Upgrades [robin-map] Initial commit8eac561
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][directxmesh][directxtex][directxtk][discord-rpc][exiv2][folly][jsonnet][libuv][ms-gsl][nuklear][rocksdb][rs-core-lib][thrift][unicorn][zeromq] Upgrades8087d70
[breakpad][jsonnet][nuklear][parson][thrift][wt][zeromq] Upgrades05edef9
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][exiv2][forest][jsonnet][rs-core-lib][thrift][unicorn-lib] Upgrades740622d
[aws-sdk-cpp][catch2][exiv2][forest][nuklear][rs-core-lib][thrift] Upgrades89201f4
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][azure-c-shared-utility][azure-iot-sdk-c][azure-uamqp-c][azure-umqtt-c][breakpad][exiv2][gdcm2][grpc][nuklear][rocksdb][rs-core-lib][thrift][zeromq] Upgradesd1ecca1
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][clara][eastl][exiv2][libuv][nuklear][openimageio][thrift] Upgrades0c792e4
[aws-sdk-cpp][discord-rpc][thrift] Upgrades3d87445
[abseil][aws-sdk-cpp][exiv2][rs-core-lib][tbb][thrift][zeromq] Upgrades608456b
[abseil][eastl][exiv2][nuklear][thrift][unicorn][zeromq] Upgradesadb8edd
[abseil][exiv2][jsonnet][ms-gsl][nuklear][re2][rs-core-lib][thrift][zeromq][zziplib] Upgrades33a8ee0
[abseil][curl][chakracore][thrift] Upgrades51f93e2
[abseil][breakpad][cimg][matio][piex][rocksdb][thrift][tiny-dnn][unicorn-lib][unicorn] Updates9f3fd25
[clara][jsonnet][rs-core-lib][thrift] Upgrades9574b71
[abseil][clara][fdk-aac][jsonnet][ms-gsl][nuklear][re2][rs-core-lib][thrift][tiny-dnn][yaml-cpp] Updatesa4b917b
[abseil][glslang][jsonnet][nuklear][rs-core-lib][stb][thrift] Updatesc7616b9
[many ports] Upgradesb79395c
Update downstream libraries to use modularized boostcb239b9
Fix several port hashes due to github tar.gz change26516fe
vcpkg_configure_cmake (and _meson) now embed debug symbols within static libs (/Z7)cad6321
[thrift] Small cleanup, added an unstable ref back in since the last stable doesn't build.afcf472
Change version to latestae06119
Removed sha and refaa3e3c1
revert back to using sha3ecfc53
Removed hash139ed0b
force users to use --head as latest stable fails to build9e65a5e
Remove unnecessary Variablesbbe3fc7
Added note8d10c7a
Use vcpkg_find_acquire_programe01c523
fixed issue with binaries0704b2a
Create CONTROLde8a0a5
created Apache Thrift portfile