boost v1.87.0
- Created
- Updated
Peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
# License
# Supported Platforms
All platforms are supported
# Features
No default features set.
# cobalt
Build boost-cobalt
>= v1.87.0
!osx & !ios & !android & !uwp
and 54 transitive dependencies:
- boost-algorithm
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-align
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-asio ) - boost-array
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-asio
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-cobalt ) - boost-assert
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-align ) - boost-bind
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-callable-traits
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-cobalt ) - boost-circular-buffer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-cobalt ) - boost-cmake
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-concept-check
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-config
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-container
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-lexical-cast ) - boost-container-hash
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-fusion ) boost-context
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-asio )Platforms:
!uwp & !emscripten
- boost-conversion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-core
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-align ) - boost-date-time
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-asio ) - boost-describe
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-container-hash ) - boost-detail
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-exception
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-function
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-function-types
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-functional
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-fusion ) - boost-fusion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-headers
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-config ) - boost-integer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-pool ) - boost-intrusive
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-container ) - boost-io
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-utility ) - boost-iterator
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-leaf
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-cobalt ) - boost-lexical-cast
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-move
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-intrusive ) - boost-mp11
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-context ) - boost-mpl
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-function-types ) - boost-numeric-conversion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-optional
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-pool
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-context ) - boost-predef
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-winapi ) - boost-preprocessor
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-concept-check ) - boost-range
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-regex
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-smart-ptr
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-context ) - boost-static-assert
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-core ) - boost-system
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-asio ) - boost-throw-exception
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-core ) - boost-tokenizer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-tuple
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-exception ) - boost-type-traits
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-integer ) - boost-typeof
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-functional ) - boost-uninstall
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-cmake ) - boost-unordered
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-utility
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-mpl ) - boost-variant2
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-system ) - boost-winapi
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-pool )
Host Dependencies:
3 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-boost (by boost-cmake )
- vcpkg-cmake (by boost-cmake )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by boost-cmake )
# mpi
Build with MPI support
- boost-graph-parallel
>= v1.87.0
- boost-mpi
>= v1.87.0
- boost-property-map-parallel
>= v1.87.0
and 79 transitive dependencies:
- boost-algorithm
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph-parallel ) - boost-align
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-atomic ) - boost-any
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-array
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-assert
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-array ) - boost-atomic
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-bimap
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-bind
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-chrono
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-thread ) - boost-cmake
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-concept-check
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-config
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-container
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-lexical-cast ) - boost-container-hash
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-fusion ) - boost-conversion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-core
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-array ) - boost-date-time
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-thread ) - boost-describe
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-container-hash ) - boost-detail
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-dynamic-bitset
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph-parallel ) - boost-endian
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-exception
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) boost-filesystem
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph-parallel )Platforms:
- boost-foreach
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph-parallel ) - boost-function
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-function-types
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-functional
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-fusion ) - boost-fusion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-graph
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph-parallel ) - boost-headers
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-config ) - boost-integer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-regex ) - boost-intrusive
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-container ) - boost-io
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-utility ) - boost-iterator
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-lambda
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-bimap ) - boost-lexical-cast
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-math
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-move
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-dynamic-bitset ) - boost-mp11
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-describe ) - boost-mpl
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-function-types ) - boost-multi-index
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-bimap ) - boost-numeric-conversion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-optional
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-parameter
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-phoenix
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-pool
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-predef
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-mpl ) - boost-preprocessor
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-concept-check ) - boost-property-map
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-property-tree
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-proto
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-phoenix ) boost-random
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-math )Platforms:
- boost-range
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-ratio
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-chrono ) - boost-regex
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-scope
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-serialization
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-property-tree ) - boost-smart-ptr
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-exception ) - boost-spirit
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-serialization ) - boost-static-assert
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-core ) - boost-system
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-thread
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-throw-exception
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-core ) - boost-tokenizer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-tti
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-tuple
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-exception ) - boost-type-index
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-any ) - boost-type-traits
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-concept-check ) - boost-typeof
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-functional ) - boost-uninstall
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-cmake ) - boost-unordered
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-utility
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-mpl ) - boost-variant
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-variant2
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-system ) - boost-winapi
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-atomic ) - boost-xpressive
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - mpi (by boost-mpi )
Host Dependencies:
3 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-boost (by boost-cmake )
- vcpkg-cmake (by boost-cmake )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by boost-cmake )
# Dependencies
- boost-accumulators
>= v1.87.0
- boost-algorithm
>= v1.87.0
- boost-align
>= v1.87.0
- boost-any
>= v1.87.0
- boost-array
>= v1.87.0
- boost-asio
>= v1.87.0
- boost-assert
>= v1.87.0
- boost-assign
>= v1.87.0
- boost-atomic
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
- boost-bimap
>= v1.87.0
- boost-bind
>= v1.87.0
- boost-callable-traits
>= v1.87.0
- boost-charconv
>= v1.87.0
- boost-chrono
>= v1.87.0
- boost-circular-buffer
>= v1.87.0
- boost-compat
>= v1.87.0
- boost-compute
>= v1.87.0
- boost-concept-check
>= v1.87.0
- boost-config
>= v1.87.0
- boost-container
>= v1.87.0
- boost-container-hash
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
!uwp & !emscripten
- boost-contract
>= v1.87.0
- boost-conversion
>= v1.87.0
- boost-convert
>= v1.87.0
- boost-core
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
!(arm & windows) & !uwp & !emscripten
>= v1.87.0
!uwp & !emscripten
- boost-crc
>= v1.87.0
- boost-date-time
>= v1.87.0
- boost-describe
>= v1.87.0
- boost-detail
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
- boost-dynamic-bitset
>= v1.87.0
- boost-endian
>= v1.87.0
- boost-exception
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
!uwp & !(arm & windows) & !emscripten
>= v1.87.0
- boost-flyweight
>= v1.87.0
- boost-foreach
>= v1.87.0
- boost-format
>= v1.87.0
- boost-function
>= v1.87.0
- boost-function-types
>= v1.87.0
- boost-functional
>= v1.87.0
- boost-fusion
>= v1.87.0
- boost-geometry
>= v1.87.0
- boost-gil
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
- boost-hana
>= v1.87.0
- boost-headers
>= v1.87.0
- boost-heap
>= v1.87.0
- boost-histogram
>= v1.87.0
- boost-hof
>= v1.87.0
- boost-icl
>= v1.87.0
- boost-integer
>= v1.87.0
- boost-interprocess
>= v1.87.0
- boost-interval
>= v1.87.0
- boost-intrusive
>= v1.87.0
- boost-io
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
- boost-iterator
>= v1.87.0
- boost-json
>= v1.87.0
- boost-lambda
>= v1.87.0
- boost-lambda2
>= v1.87.0
- boost-leaf
>= v1.87.0
- boost-lexical-cast
>= v1.87.0
- boost-local-function
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
- boost-lockfree
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
!uwp & !emscripten
- boost-logic
>= v1.87.0
- boost-math
>= v1.87.0
- boost-metaparse
>= v1.87.0
- boost-move
>= v1.87.0
- boost-mp11
>= v1.87.0
- boost-mpl
>= v1.87.0
- boost-msm
>= v1.87.0
- boost-multi-array
>= v1.87.0
- boost-multi-index
>= v1.87.0
- boost-multiprecision
>= v1.87.0
- boost-mysql
>= v1.87.0
- boost-nowide
>= v1.87.0
- boost-numeric-conversion
>= v1.87.0
- boost-odeint
>= v1.87.0
- boost-optional
>= v1.87.0
- boost-outcome
>= v1.87.0
- boost-parameter
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
!uwp & !emscripten & !ios & !android
- boost-parser
>= v1.87.0
- boost-pfr
>= v1.87.0
- boost-phoenix
>= v1.87.0
- boost-poly-collection
>= v1.87.0
- boost-polygon
>= v1.87.0
- boost-pool
>= v1.87.0
- boost-predef
>= v1.87.0
- boost-preprocessor
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
!uwp & !emscripten & !android
- boost-program-options
>= v1.87.0
- boost-property-map
>= v1.87.0
- boost-property-tree
>= v1.87.0
- boost-proto
>= v1.87.0
- boost-ptr-container
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
!uwp & !emscripten & !ios & !android
- boost-qvm
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
- boost-range
>= v1.87.0
- boost-ratio
>= v1.87.0
- boost-rational
>= v1.87.0
- boost-redis
>= v1.87.0
- boost-regex
>= v1.87.0
- boost-safe-numerics
>= v1.87.0
- boost-scope
>= v1.87.0
- boost-scope-exit
>= v1.87.0
- boost-serialization
>= v1.87.0
- boost-signals2
>= v1.87.0
- boost-smart-ptr
>= v1.87.0
- boost-sort
>= v1.87.0
- boost-spirit
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
- boost-statechart
>= v1.87.0
- boost-static-assert
>= v1.87.0
- boost-static-string
>= v1.87.0
- boost-stl-interfaces
>= v1.87.0
- boost-system
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
- boost-thread
>= v1.87.0
- boost-throw-exception
>= v1.87.0
- boost-timer
>= v1.87.0
- boost-tokenizer
>= v1.87.0
- boost-tti
>= v1.87.0
- boost-tuple
>= v1.87.0
- boost-type-erasure
>= v1.87.0
- boost-type-index
>= v1.87.0
- boost-type-traits
>= v1.87.0
- boost-typeof
>= v1.87.0
- boost-ublas
>= v1.87.0
- boost-units
>= v1.87.0
- boost-unordered
>= v1.87.0
- boost-url
>= v1.87.0
- boost-utility
>= v1.87.0
- boost-uuid
>= v1.87.0
- boost-variant
>= v1.87.0
- boost-variant2
>= v1.87.0
- boost-vmd
>= v1.87.0
>= v1.87.0
- boost-winapi
>= v1.87.0
- boost-xpressive
>= v1.87.0
- boost-yap
>= v1.87.0
and 16 transitive dependencies:
- boost-cmake
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-uninstall
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-cmake ) bzip2 (by boost-iostreams , python3 )
- gettext-libintl (by gettext )
libbacktrace (by boost-stacktrace )
libiconv (by boost-locale )
!uwp & !windows & !mingw
- liblzma (by boost-iostreams )
- openssl (by boost-mysql )
python3 (by boost-python , python3 )
- zlib (by boost-iostreams )
- zstd (by boost-iostreams )
# Host Dependencies
10 transitive dependencies:
- pkgconf (by vcpkg-pkgconfig-get-modules )
- vcpkg-boost (by boost-cmake )
- vcpkg-cmake (by boost-cmake )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by boost-cmake )
vcpkg-cmake-get-vars (by libiconv )
- vcpkg-get-python (by python3 )
- vcpkg-make (by gettext-libintl )
vcpkg-msbuild (by python3 )
- vcpkg-pkgconfig-get-modules (by vcpkg-msbuild )
- vcpkg-tool-meson (by pkgconf )
# Dependents
# Host Dependents
No dependents.
# Contributors
Alexander Karatarakis
Arkady Shapkin
Christian Ullrich
Jens Frederich
Robert Schumacher
Manuel Massing
Manuel Massing
Fabian Wosar
Tsukasa Sugiura
Martin Müller
Konstantin Podsvirov
Albert Ziegenhagel
Andrew McMahon
Phil Christensen
Yury Bura
Manuel Kugelmann
Long Nguyen
Billy O'Neal
Martin Hořeňovský
Javier Matos Denizac
Alexander Neumann
Kai Pastor
David Federman
# Changelog
and 109 more commits:
[boost] split Build-Depends on multipls lineseae02c9
[boost] Update to 1.68.0751015f
[boost] Update to 1.67b831381
[boost] Improve non-windows support4726567
[boost-vcpkg-helpers][boost] Add autogenerated messageb8c14a9
[boost] Restore the description14358e8
[boost] Modularize5335d17
[vcpkg] Initial experimental support for VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE release1b2f75b
[vcpkg] Support \share\<port>\usage to handle libraries which are found through built-in Find Modules.ec4eec1
[boost] Handle spaces in vcpkg path.32727f2
[boost] --ignore-site-config, thanks @vinniefalco and @swatanabe!ae3fe7c
[boost] Add feature packages for regex-icu, locale-icu, and python3a6ad75
[boost] Update to version 1.65.1d88f53d
In debug configuration, link boost with debug Python libraries instead of release ones1304b77
Bump boost version481128e
Build boost.python99a8d74
Use ICU in boost build27d5f57
[boost] Use fixed commit for 1.65 patch4fdcca3
Apply Hotfix of Known Issues for Boost 1.65.07936578
[boost] Fix uwp build by disabling stacktrace and fiberea47998
[boost] Update to 1.65f761259
[boost] Update diff hash. No version bump required because contents are functionally identical.72eb21a
[boost] forcibly undefine BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK in static builds74c2c23
[boost] Fix uwp builds. Add x86-uwp to CI.61766d1
[boost] use 'd' suffixed bzip2 library in debug builde373bc9
Revert TLS patch since it has been fixed in 1.64af36901
[boost] Update to v1.649655b99
[boost] Fix UWP builds by disabling nonfunctioning components.a1c72e3
[boost] Add retry to deleting _debug_ intermediate folderse68709e
[boost] Add retry to deleting intermediate folders3b5c7df
[boost] Bump version to observe addition of patch.a9ec74f
Fix paths in patch file2aab569
Forgot the actual patch application9878f15
Add boost patch to fix initialisation issues when using the VS2017 14.1 toolchain and static linkingb11ab65
[boost] Hotfix for building on VS2015b6007c9
[boost] Support for VS20170b2dd9b
[boost] Add additional build assertions.fb7cc35
[boost] Update to 1.637bd267b
[boost] Bump version to correspond with added bzip2 dependency.8ea9781
[boost] Bump version44590c5
[boost] Add bzip2 supporta3aeb99
[boost] Fix zlib detection in debug buildbc874e3
Fix Boost dynamic build.59c34be
Disable Boost auto-link.6507a1e
[boost] Bump version31b713c
[vcpkg] Remove all instances of TRIPLET_SYSTEM_NAME; use VCPKG_CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME instead.a545be8
[boost] Fix dynamic build lib renaming4479955
[boost] Link against correct version of zlib when building debug variant.8e91139
[boost] Build boost with zlib support56c3feb
[boost] Also rename lib files in dynamic builds (conditionally)3588f53
[boost] Use --layout=system to make the output binary names simplerbe0899d
[boost] Attempt to fix sporadic failures9c92984
[boost] Add --hash1574180
[boost] --toolset=msvc should be toolset=msvc (no dashes)7811ef6
[boost] Rename lib files in static buildsa72be4b
[boost] The #define BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK should be added only in dynamic linkage64808e1
[boost] Add renaming code for static libs (commented-out for now)cd22281
[boost] Remove unneeded messages from portfile8a03628
[boost] Bump to 1.62-2 after the crt-linkage fix083e0a6
[boost] Fix portfile to properly select static library/crt linkage1808d46
triplet is now automatically included before portfiles.1510af0
[boost] Patch for boost::range should not overwrite the downloaded patch4681f3d
[think-cell-range] move boost range hotfix to boost portfile550881b
[boost] Enable static building7cbc7fd
Track updated Boost version.ae8f6e3
[boost] Extract SOURCE_PATH variabled18209d
[boost] Update to version 1.62930d0a7
URL and MIRRORS are now URLS8cee9c6
Replaced everything concerning MD5 with SHA512f03590e
Cleanup boost buildtrees before initiating a build3de9a16
Update boost to version 1.61ccca198
Initial commit