rtabmap v0.21.4.1
- Created
- Updated
Real-Time Appearance-Based Mapping
# License
# Supported Platforms
All platforms are supported
# Features
Default features: openmp
, gui
, opencv-contrib
, opencv-nonfree
# gui default
Build RTAB-Map with GUI support (Qt)
and 122 transitive dependencies:
- boost-algorithm
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-align
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-asio ) - boost-any
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-array
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-asio (by pcl )
- boost-assert
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-align ) - boost-atomic
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-bimap
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-bind
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-chrono
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-thread ) - boost-circular-buffer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-ptr-container ) - boost-cmake
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-concept-check
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-config
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-container
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-lexical-cast ) - boost-container-hash
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-fusion ) boost-context
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-asio )Platforms:
!uwp & !emscripten
- boost-conversion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-core
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-align ) - boost-date-time
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-asio ) - boost-describe
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-container-hash ) - boost-detail
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-dynamic-bitset (by pcl )
- boost-endian
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-exception
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-filesystem (by pcl )
- boost-foreach (by pcl )
- boost-function
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-function-types
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-functional
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-fusion ) - boost-fusion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-graph (by pcl )
- boost-headers
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-config ) - boost-integer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-pool ) - boost-interprocess (by pcl )
- boost-intrusive
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-container ) - boost-io
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-utility ) - boost-iostreams (by pcl )
- boost-iterator
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-lambda
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-bimap ) - boost-lexical-cast
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-math
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-move
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-intrusive ) - boost-mp11
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-context ) - boost-mpl
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-function-types ) - boost-multi-array (by pcl )
- boost-multi-index
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-bimap ) - boost-numeric-conversion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-optional
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-parameter
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-phoenix
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-pool
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-context ) - boost-predef
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-winapi ) - boost-preprocessor
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-concept-check ) - boost-property-map
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-property-tree
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-proto
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-phoenix ) - boost-ptr-container (by pcl )
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-math )Platforms:
- boost-range
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-ratio
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-chrono ) - boost-regex
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-scope
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-serialization
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-property-tree ) - boost-signals2 (by pcl )
- boost-smart-ptr
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-context ) - boost-sort (by pcl )
- boost-spirit
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-serialization ) - boost-static-assert
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-core ) - boost-system
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-asio ) - boost-thread
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-throw-exception
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-core ) - boost-tokenizer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-tti
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-tuple
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-exception ) - boost-type-index
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-any ) - boost-type-traits
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-integer ) - boost-typeof
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-functional ) - boost-uninstall
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-cmake ) - boost-unordered
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-utility
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-mpl ) - boost-uuid (by pcl )
- boost-variant
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-variant2
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-system ) - boost-winapi
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-pool ) - boost-xpressive
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - bzip2 (by boost-iostreams )
- double-conversion (by vtk )
- egl-registry (by opengl-registry )
- eigen3 (by pcl )
- expat (by vtk )
- exprtk (by vtk )
- fast-float (by vtk )
- flann (by pcl )
- fmt (by vtk )
- glew (by vtk )
- jsoncpp (by vtk )
- libjpeg-turbo (by vtk )
- liblzma (by boost-iostreams )
- libpng (by pcl )
- lz4 (by flann )
- nlohmann-json (by vtk )
- opengl (by glew )
- opengl-registry (by opengl )
- pegtl (by vtk )
- pugixml (by vtk )
- qhull (by pcl )
- qtdeclarative (by vtk )
- qtlanguageserver (by qtdeclarative )
qtshadertools (by qtdeclarative )
Features: (none)
- qtsvg (by qtdeclarative )
- sqlite3 (by qtbase )
- utfcpp (by vtk )
- verdict (by vtk )
- zlib (by boost-iostreams )
- zstd (by boost-iostreams )
Host Dependencies:
5 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-boost (by boost-cmake )
- vcpkg-cmake (by boost-cmake )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by boost-cmake )
vcpkg-cmake-get-vars (by libpng )
arm & android
- vcpkg-make (by libb2 )
# k4w2
Build RTAB-Map with Kinect For Windows SDK 2.0 camera driver
Host Dependencies:
one transitive dependency:
- vcpkg-tool-lessmsi
>= v1.10.0#1
(by kinectsdk2 )
# octomap
Build RTAB-Map with OctoMap support
Host Dependencies:
2 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-cmake (by octomap )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by octomap )
# opencv-contrib default
Use OpenCV with contrib modules (e.g., xfeatures2d, aruco)
Host Dependencies:
4 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-cmake (by opencv4 )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by opencv4 )
vcpkg-cmake-get-vars (by libpng )
arm & android
- vcpkg-get-python-packages (by opencv4 )
# opencv-cuda
Use OpenCV with CUDA (accelerated SIFT ad SURF GPU options)
Host Dependencies:
4 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-cmake (by opencv4 )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by opencv4 )
vcpkg-cmake-get-vars (by libpng )
arm & android
- vcpkg-get-python-packages (by opencv4 )
# opencv-nonfree default
Use OpenCV with nonfree module (surf feature)
Host Dependencies:
3 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-cmake (by opencv4 )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by opencv4 )
- vcpkg-get-python-packages (by opencv4 )
# openmp
Enable OpenMP parallel execution
No dependencies.
Host Dependencies:
No dependencies.
# openni2
Build RTAB-Map with OpenNI2 camera driver
Host Dependencies:
7 transitive dependencies:
- pkgconf (by vcpkg-pkgconfig-get-modules )
- vcpkg-cmake (by vcpkg-cmake-get-vars )
- vcpkg-cmake-get-vars (by vcpkg-msbuild )
vcpkg-msbuild (by openni2 )
- vcpkg-pkgconfig-get-modules (by vcpkg-msbuild )
- vcpkg-tool-lessmsi
>= v1.10.0#1
(by kinectsdk1 ) - vcpkg-tool-meson (by pkgconf )
# realsense2
Build RTAB-Map with RealSense2 camera driver
Features: (none)
and 2 transitive dependencies:
libusb (by realsense2 )
- nlohmann-json (by realsense2 )
Host Dependencies:
7 transitive dependencies:
- pkgconf (by vcpkg-pkgconfig-get-modules )
- vcpkg-cmake (by vcpkg-cmake-get-vars )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by nlohmann-json )
- vcpkg-cmake-get-vars (by vcpkg-msbuild )
vcpkg-msbuild (by libusb )
windows & !mingw
- vcpkg-pkgconfig-get-modules (by vcpkg-msbuild )
- vcpkg-tool-meson (by pkgconf )
# tools
Build RTAB-Map's tools
Host Dependencies:
2 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-cmake (by yaml-cpp )
- vcpkg-cmake-config (by yaml-cpp )
# Dependencies
and 110 transitive dependencies:
- blas (by clapack )
- boost-algorithm
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-align
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-asio ) - boost-any
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-array
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-asio (by pcl )
- boost-assert
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-align ) - boost-atomic
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-bimap
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-bind
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-chrono
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-thread ) - boost-circular-buffer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-ptr-container ) - boost-cmake
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-concept-check
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-config
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-assert ) - boost-container
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-lexical-cast ) - boost-container-hash
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-fusion ) boost-context
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-asio )Platforms:
!uwp & !emscripten
- boost-conversion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-core
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-align ) - boost-date-time
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-asio ) - boost-describe
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-container-hash ) - boost-detail
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-dynamic-bitset (by pcl )
- boost-endian
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-exception
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-filesystem (by pcl )
- boost-foreach (by pcl )
- boost-function
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-function-types
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-functional
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-fusion ) - boost-fusion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-graph (by pcl )
- boost-headers
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-config ) - boost-integer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-pool ) - boost-interprocess (by pcl )
- boost-intrusive
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-container ) - boost-io
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-utility ) - boost-iostreams (by pcl )
- boost-iterator
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-lambda
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-bimap ) - boost-lexical-cast
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-math
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-move
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-intrusive ) - boost-mp11
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-context ) - boost-mpl
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-function-types ) - boost-multi-array (by pcl )
- boost-multi-index
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-bimap ) - boost-numeric-conversion
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-optional
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-iterator ) - boost-parameter
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-phoenix
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-pool
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-context ) - boost-predef
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-winapi ) - boost-preprocessor
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-concept-check ) - boost-property-map
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-property-tree
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-proto
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-phoenix ) - boost-ptr-container (by pcl )
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-math )Platforms:
- boost-range
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-ratio
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-chrono ) - boost-regex
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-range ) - boost-scope
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-filesystem ) - boost-serialization
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-property-tree ) - boost-signals2 (by pcl )
- boost-smart-ptr
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-context ) - boost-sort (by pcl )
- boost-spirit
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-serialization ) - boost-static-assert
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-core ) - boost-system
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-asio ) - boost-thread
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-throw-exception
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-core ) - boost-tokenizer
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-date-time ) - boost-tti
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - boost-tuple
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-exception ) - boost-type-index
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-any ) - boost-type-traits
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-integer ) - boost-typeof
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-functional ) - boost-uninstall
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-cmake ) - boost-unordered
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-algorithm ) - boost-utility
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-mpl ) - boost-uuid (by pcl )
- boost-variant
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-spirit ) - boost-variant2
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-system ) - boost-winapi
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-pool ) - boost-xpressive
>= v1.87.0
(by boost-graph ) - bzip2 (by boost-iostreams )
- eigen3 (by ceres )
- flann (by pcl )
- gflags (by glog )
- lapack (by g2o )
lapack-reference (by blas , lapack , lapack-reference )
!osx & !ios & !uwp & !(arm & windows)
- liblzma (by boost-iostreams )
- libpng (by pcl )
- lz4 (by flann )
- qhull (by pcl )
- suitesparse-amd (by suitesparse-cholmod )
- suitesparse-camd (by suitesparse-cholmod )
- suitesparse-ccolamd (by suitesparse-cholmod )
- suitesparse-cholmod (by g2o )
- suitesparse-colamd (by suitesparse-cholmod )
- suitesparse-config (by suitesparse-amd )
- suitesparse-cxsparse (by g2o )
vcpkg-gfortran (by lapack-reference )
- zstd (by boost-iostreams )
# Host Dependencies
and 3 transitive dependencies:
- vcpkg-boost (by boost-cmake )
vcpkg-cmake-get-vars (by libpng )
arm & android
- vcpkg-get-python-packages (by opencv4 )
# Dependents
No dependents.
# Host Dependents
No dependents.
# Contributors
Sean Yen
Tobias Wood
Stefano Sinigardi
Matthew Oliver
Alexander Neumann
Lily Wang
jim wang
Kai Pastor
Johannes Schönberger
Markus Vieth